Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm back! It was an extremely hectic summer for me and my colleagues - getting our fall list ready to go - but things are settling down now, as we ramp up for the winter semester.

I've been following the ID news, and it seems that the mainstream press has discovered MOOCs!

I've seen a record number of articles in the past few weeks describing, praising and/or criticizing massive open online courses. Some  prominent universities are adding courses to Coursera or edX. Udacity is quite popular, and even itunes is in the game!

Just to set the record straight, George Siemens and Stephen Downes, both Canadian, were among the first to offer and promote MOOCS. I've embedded a short video (narrated by Dave Cormier) that explains what a MOOC is and how it works:

source: YouTube:!
See more at: